Frigidaire is one of the most durable brands when it comes to microwave appliances. However, it is still susceptible to normal wear and tear including the hazards of the elements, so it’s best to expect issues during long-term use.
With that in mind, here are quick simple solutions that can help you troubleshoot and fix your Frigidaire microwave problem when the time comes.

1. Frigidaire Microwave Not Turning On
You may encounter an issue where your Frigidaire microwave isn’t turning on. You attempt to push the button to turn it on, but you get no response from your microwave. What to do?
There are a number of reasons why this is happening. And as such, there are also a number of troubleshooting steps you can follow depending on the issue you’re facing.
First, check if your Frigidaire microwave is properly plugged in. Oftentimes, this may be caused by a loose power connection and you just need to firmly plug it in place.
Next, if the outlet is controlled by a switch from a power strip or a wall switch, ensure that it is turned on.
If that doesn’t work, you can try to remove the plug from the outlet and wait for a good 10 seconds. That amount of time is what usually takes for capacitors to discharge enough so that the electronics they are powering turn off completely.
Reset your circuit breaker. The circuit may have tripped because there were multiple high-amperage devices or appliances. You may test out other devices on the same plug to isolate the issue.
You can also try to plug your Frigidaire microwave to a different power outlet to isolate the issue.
If the solutions provided above fail to resolve why your Frigidaire microwave isn’t turning on, bring it to a service center to get it repaired.
2. Frigidaire Microwave Turns On But Doesn’t Operate
Your Frigidaire Microwave turns on but it’s not operating at all.
This can be an issue that’s easy to troubleshoot. However, there are also a number of other problems that may be causing this issue.
This issue may be encountered if your Frigidaire microwave isn’t securely and completely closed. Microwave ovens have a safety feature that keeps it from operating when the door is opened. This prevents you from getting burned.
Check if there’s anything on the door latch that keeps it from locking securely in place.
3. Frigidaire Microwave Turns On But Isn’t Heating Up
Your Frigidaire microwave turns on and operates normally. But even after the timer finishes its countdown, your food still doesn’t heat up.
The timer you set on your Frigidaire microwave may not have been enough to heat up the food you put inside. There are different settings that correspond to the food you want to heat up. Select the appropriate one for your food.
The door switches may be faulty. Microwave door switches actuate in a sequence to make sure that it’s closed properly. This is a safety measure to ensure that the door is securely locked, and if any of these switches fail, the microwave may not start or heat your food.
A power interruption may have caused your microwave to stop operating. If there’s a power interruption while you are heating your food, remove the plug from the power outlet. Wait for 10 seconds again to give time for the capacitors to discharge, and then plug the microwave in again.
Your Frigidaire microwave’s magnetron may have burned out. The magnetron is the main component of a microwave oven that uses high voltage to heat up your food. If this is the issue, get in touch with the Frigidaire customer support. You may also contact a licensed technician to do the repair.
The thermal fuse of your microwave may already be faulty. This can be tested with a multimeter. Unfortunately, the thermal fuse cannot be reset. If it is already blown, it needs to be replaced. You may want to contact the Frigidaire customer support or get in touch with a licensed technician to do this for you.
4. Frigidaire Microwave is Cooking Food Very Slowly
Normally, Frigidaire microwaves heat food at the right setting. However, you may face an issue where even at the right setting your food isn’t heating up properly.
Microwave ovens are high voltage appliances that have high power requirements. In this regard, make sure that your power outlet can support it. Do not operate other appliances on the same circuit when using your microwave as this may cause a voltage drop.
5. Frigidaire Microwave Doesn’t Have Light Inside
Your Frigidaire Microwave turns on and heats up food normally. However, there’s no light coming from inside it.
One of the most common causes that can prevent your microwave from lighting up upon using is that the light bulb has burned out. You can replace the light bulb with the proper model. If you’re unaware, contact the Frigidaire customer support or get in touch with a qualified technician. There may be other reasons for the light not turning on, but replacing the light bulb can help you isolate the issue before spending on parts that you might not even need.
You may also perform a hard reset if necessary.
Another reason for this may also be bad wiring.
The control board for your microwave may already be faulty and can’t send power to the bulb socket.
You may also contact the Frigidaire customer support or a licensed technician to get the appropriate light bulb for your microwave.
6. Frigidaire Microwave Emits Sparks
Your Frigidaire Microwave emits sparks whenever you try to operate it.
The first thing you’ll want to do is to remove any metal inside the microwave. Metal inside the microwaves causes the electrons to move around. Microwaves are absorbed by metal, and it’s reflected off.
If the problem persists even after using only “microwave safe” food containers, contact the Frigidaire customer support or have your microwave checked by a licensed technician.
Read More: Frigidaire Microwave Keeps Blowing Fuse (Here’s How To Fix!)
7. Frigidaire Microwave Shuts Off After a Few Seconds
Your Frigidaire microwave operates normally. But after a few seconds, it turns off even before the timer is over.
When your Frigidaire microwave shuts off after a few seconds the first thing you want to check is the door latch. See if there are signs of burning, deformation, or anything that obstructs it from locking in place. Microwave stops its operation when the doors are opened as a safety measure.
Your Frigidaire microwave’s main control board may already be faulty and needs to be replaced.
The control pad or touchpad of your microwave may be faulty. It may be pressing random buttons or some buttons just don’t work properly anymore. Check to see if this is the case by pressing each of the buttons and if they respond properly.
If your microwave runs for a few seconds but stops, the thermostat may also be faulty. For this one, you may get in touch with the Frigidaire customer support or get in touch with a licensed technician.
Another possible cause that prevents your Frigidaire microwave from functioning properly is due to a tripped thermoprotector. This is a safety measure in order for the microwave to not overheat.
8. Frigidaire Microwave Turntable Not Working
Your Frigidaire microwave turns on and operates normally. However, the food inside it isn’t turning.
If the turntable on your microwave isn’t working properly, the roller guide under the tray or the glass tray support may be already stripped out. Inspect the glass tray for damages or cracks. If that is the case, you will need to replace it.
Another reason for this is there may be objects obstructing the turntable to work properly. You can remove the glass tray and clean it to remove any obstruction that’s causing it to stop.
9. Frigidaire Microwave Buttons Aren’t Working
Your Frigidaire microwave can’t perform any or some operations because the touchpad isn’t functioning properly.
The first thing you’ll want to do to check if the touchpad is faulty is to press each button on the control panel. If some of the buttons actuate and respond properly and others do not, the touchpad may need to be replaced.
Another issue you can check is the display board. If you hear a response while pressing buttons but you don’t see anything appearing on the screen, the display board may be the issue here.
Next, the issue may be caused by a faulty main control board. For this one, you may need to contact the Frigidaire customer support or get in touch with a licensed technician to assess the issue.
Oftentimes, this may be caused by dirty buttons or touchpad. Simply cleaning it may fix the issue. Wipe it with a clean towel but avoid using water and soap to clean it.
10. Frigidaire Microwave Display Isn’t Working
Your Frigidaire microwave’s display may not be working properly even after switching it on.
Frigidaire microwave’s display that is working properly could be caused by a faulty display board. If this happens, it may need to be replaced with the right part. Contact the Frigidaire customer support or get in touch with a licensed technician to do this for you.
If the display is fluctuating or the display is only partially appearing, it may be caused by a faulty control board.