KitchenAid microwave ovens are designed with ease of use and functionality in mind. With that said, if you’re faced with an issue, an error message will be displayed to help you diagnose and troubleshoot the problem you’ve encountered. One of the error messages you’ll likely encounter is the F6 error code.
In this article, we’ll help you learn what the F6 error code means and what steps you can do to fix it.

What is the F6 Error Code on Your KitchenAid?
KitchenAid did not specify the exact reasons why the F6 Error Code appears, although it was indicated that it could be caused by different reasons as to why this is happening. One of the reasons for the error code to appear may be because of a problem in the time-keeping circuit.
While in some cases, error codes including F6 and the like can be fixed by simply resetting your oven. You may also need to reset your circuit breaker dedicated to the microwave oven for it to work. This is done by switching the fuse or the circuit breaker off, waiting for a set amount of time, and then switching it back on.
KitchenAid has posted several steps to troubleshoot the error code, but some of the things you can try out to fix the issue are to reset the time and/or cooping operation or check if your microwave oven is properly grounded.
It’s also important to note, not only for microwave ovens but for any high-voltage appliance or device, that grounding is very important. Excess current is capable of passing through your body, and it can become a good conductor that may result in electrocuting you if it’s not handled properly. This can even cause severe harm and burns to yourself if you’re not careful.
F6 Error Code
There are different types of F6 Error Code, and each has its own troubleshooting steps in order to fix the issue. Starting with the standalone F6 Error Code, follow the steps below to troubleshoot:
1. The first thing you will need to do is to power your KitchenAid microwave oven down by turning off the circuit breaker. Wait for at least 60 seconds.
2. After waiting, power up the unit by turning on the circuit breaker.
3. Monitor the microwave oven for 60 seconds and check if the F6 error code displays on the panel again.
4. Test the microwave oven and verify if it is now working properly.
F6 E0 Error Code
Another issue under the F6 error code is the F6 E0 Error Code. This error code basically means that there’s an issue with the Appliance Manager Control, the Converter Control, or the associated wiring. Below are the steps to solve it:
1. The initial step that you have to perform is to power down the unit by turning off the circuit breaker. After you have turned it off, wait for at least 60 seconds.
2. After waiting, turn on the unit by turning on the circuit breaker.
3. After turning it on, monitor the microwave oven for another 60 seconds to check if the F6 E0 Error Code appears again.
4. Test the microwave oven and verify if it is now operating normally.
F6 E1 Error Code
KitchenAid indicated that the F6 E1 Error Code may be caused by several issues including Appliance Manager Control, the Converter Control, or the associated wiring. See the troubleshooting steps to solve this error code:
1. The unit must be powered down by turning off the circuit breaker for 60 seconds.
2. After the duration, you will need to turn the power unit up again by turning on the circuit breaker.
3. Once done, you need to monitor the oven for another 60 seconds to ensure that the display does not show the error code anymore.
4. If there are no issues anymore, verify if the microwave oven is operating normally.
F6 E2 Error Code
For those encountering the F6 E2 Error Code, KitchenAid says that this issue may also be caused by a problem with the Appliance Manager Control, the Converter Control, or the associated wiring. Check below for the troubleshooting steps.
1. Power down your microwave by turning off the circuit breaker in your home for at least 60 seconds.
2. After waiting for that amount of time, the next thing you’ll want to do is to turn on the microwave again by powering up the circuit breaker.
3. Next, once the microwave oven is turned on, wait for 60 seconds to verify if the F6 E2 Error Code is not appearing anymore on the display panel.
4. After confirming, check your KitchenAid microwave oven if it’s now operating normally.
F6 E3 Error Code
According to KitchenAid, the F6 E3 Error Code that is appearing on your microwave oven may be caused by a number of issues including problems with the Appliance Manager Control, the Converter Control, or the associated wiring. For the troubleshooting steps, see below:
1. Power down your KitchenAid microwave oven by turning off the circuit breaker for at least 60 seconds.
2. Next up, switch your microwave oven on by turning on the circuit breaker.
3. Check the unit for at least 60 seconds to verify if the issue isn’t happening anymore and the error code isn’t appearing again.
4. Once verified, try operating your microwave oven and see if it is now working properly.
F6 E4 Error Code
According to KitchenAid, F6 E4 Error Code can be caused by an issue with the Appliance Manager Control or the associated wiring. You may follow the steps below to fix the issue:
1. Turn off your microwave oven by switching the circuit breaker off for at least 60 seconds.
2. Once you have finished waiting, turn the microwave on again by switching the circuit breaker on.
3. After that, check for at least 60 seconds to verify if the error code isn’t appearing on the display panel anymore.
4. Try to operate your microwave oven to see if the issue is no longer there.
F6 EA Error Code
Another issue for the KitchenAid microwave oven is the F6 EA Error Code. This is more different compared to the previous F6 Error Codes as this may be caused by an issue on the User Interface Control sensing an over-temperature condition. The Associated wiring can also be the reason for it. Read further to learn how to troubleshoot this issue:
1. Turn off your KitchenAid microwave oven by switching the breaker off for at least 60 seconds.
2. Once you’re done waiting for 60 seconds, turn on your microwave by switching the circuit breaker on again.
3. Once the unit is turned on, check it for at least 60 seconds to make sure that the F6 EA Error Code isn’t showing on the display anymore.
4. After that, try to operate the microwave oven again and see if the issue occurs again.
If the issue still persists or another issue pops up after following the troubleshooting steps, you may contact KitchenAid or schedule a service to have your microwave oven fixed.
For owners in the United States, click here.
You may also contact KitchenAid for further assistance through chat, call, or mail by going to this link.
For owners in Canada, click here.
Owners in Canada can also reach KitchenAid technical support through chat, call, or mail by going to this link.
A video on YouTube posted by How To With James entitled “How to troubleshoot and fix error F6 E0” demonstrates how he attempted to fix his KitchenAid microwave oven.
1. He starts his troubleshooting by turning off the circuit breaker for at least five minutes or 300 seconds, and once done he turns it on.
2. After he switched the breaker on and it still didn’t work, he dislodged the microwave oven from the wall and opened the top cover to reveal wires, circuits, and fuses.
3. He then indicated that the microwave oven has two fuses, and he continued to test them out with a multimeter.
4. He found that one of the fuses aren’t working anymore, so he went to the store to purchase a replacement.
5. Once he replaced the fuse, the KitchenAid microwave oven started working normally.
Some of the people in the comments suggested that turning off and turning the circuit breaker back on again works immediately.
Now, it’s also important to note that opening your microwave oven can prove to be very dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s a high-powered device that can store lethal amounts of voltage that can cause serious harm or death if not handled with care.
If you don’t know what you’re doing or you’re not comfortable tinkering around with electronics even if YouTube videos make it look simple, it would be best to get in touch with your local KitchenAid service center or contact a certified technician to do the work for you.